Largest company search tool on the market
We have 3.8M companies in our database with views of their revenue, growth, employees, and technologies.
Trusted by 40,000+ professionals
Kona Equity helps your employees save hours on companies research
How it works
Kona Equity does sound like magic,
but what exactly are we offering?
Effortless company search
Access unparalleled information on 4 million small and medium-sized businesses driving the private economy
Save those you like
Quickly favorite and qualify the companies that are relevant for your search
Gain a competitive edge
Unlock your dealmaking potential with exclusive insights and informational advantages
Introducing G Score™
Our proprietary company health scoring system that helps you make data-driven decisions.
AI-Powered Analysis
Advanced algorithms analyze multiple data points to generate accurate health scores
Industry Benchmarking
Compare company performance against industry standards and competitors
Predictive Insights
Identify growth potential and risks before they become apparent
Company G Score™
6/8Most accurate revenue and employee metrics
We use machine learning algorithms, and a proprietary data network of contributors each day.
Historical data going back to 2018
With our historical data, you can see exactly how things have changed over time.
Data freshness
Offering the most up-to-date business information on small to medium private businesses.
Millions of companies
With millions of companies in our database, we can help you find what others miss.
SIC and NAICs search
Find company targets tailored specifically to what you're looking for with Kona, no other services needed.
Tags, categories, industry
Qualify the businesses to match what you are looking for. Use filters to find more needles, less hay.
Top companies
It's all about data
The Kona Equity market intelligence platform analyzes millions of data points on revenue, growth, employees, and technologies to help you see tomorrow's opportunities, today.
We're committed to providing you with the most complete view of every company to empower confident decisions.
companies in the US & Canada
executive contacts
visits per month
Users are searching for:
Developer API Access
Integrate Kona's powerful company data directly into your applications with our REST API.
RESTful Endpoints
Simple, intuitive API endpoints for searching and retrieving company data
Enterprise Scale
High-performance infrastructure designed for large-scale data operations
Comprehensive Docs
Detailed documentation with examples and SDK support
// Example API Response
"company": {
"name": "Acme Corp",
"revenue": 25000000,
"employees": 120,
"growth_rate": 15.4,
"industry": "Software",
"location": {
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA"
"g_score": 4,
"linkedin_url": "",
"technologies": [
Empowering businesses with data-driven insights
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